(Ceramic Festival)
(Ceramic Festival)
  • 엔키즈
  • 승인 2006.02.14 15:57
  • 댓글 0
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Student: I saw you at the Icheon ceramic festival.  
              이천 도자기축제에서 선생님을 보았어요
Teacher: Really? I didn't see you. 정말? 나는 너를 못봤는데
Student: I'm positive that I saw you wandering around the festival.                
              행사장을 돌아다니던 선생님을 본 것을 확신해요.
Teacher: What day was this?   어제는 무슨날이었지?
Student: It was this Sunday.    일요일이었어요
               You were wearing a bright pink T-shirt.
               선생님은 밝은 핑크색티셔츠를 입고 계셨어요
Teacher: Was I there alone?   그곳에 나 혼자 있었니?
Student: No, you were walking around with your friend.
               아니오, 선생님은 친구분들하고 같이 주변을 걷고 계셨어요
Teacher: What time did you see me? 몇시에 나를 본거였니?
Student: I saw you in the late afternoon. 늦은 오후였어요
Teacher: It wasn't me. I was in Seoul Sunday afternoon.
                 내가 아니었을거야, 나는 일요일오후에 서울에 있었거든
Student: I'm sure I saw you walking around and
               later you were painting pottery. 선생님이 주변을 걷다가
               나중에 도자기에 색칠하고있는 것을 본 것을 확신한다니까요.
Teacher: Are you sure it wasn't last Sunday?
                그것이 지난 번 일요일이 아니라고 확신하니?
Student: Yes, you're right. I saw you last Sunday.
            그렇군요,  선생님이 맞아요, 전 선생님을 지난주 일요일에 봤던거같아요.
Teacher: Did you enjoy the festival? 넌 행사가  즐거웠니?
Student: Yes, I did. I enjoyed painting pottery with my friends.
              전 제친구들과 같이 도자기에 색칠하는 것이 즐거웠어요!

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